
Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber

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Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber

These ovens produce heated air that is provided from full coverage supply duct work at each side of the work space and sweeps upward through the load to a return duct at the top of the work space. Ideal for large parts placed directly on oven floor or loaded on a truck. Available with removable top mounted heat chamber, fully assembled to oven and tested. Heat chamber match marked and removed for shipping or installation clearance.

Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber Model Specifications:

CAUTION:  Ovens processing combustible material are required by National Fire Protection Association 86 Standard for Ovens and Furnaces (NFPA 86) to have a fire suppression system.  If flammable solvents or vapors are present in an oven, OSHA requires conformance with NFPA 86 Class A Oven requirements.  A powered forced exhauster and other non-standard safety equipment must be added.  See Class A Oven Equipment for Solvent Processing resource page, reference our FAQs or contact us us for more information.

Model Workspace Outside Dimensions*(WxDxH) Max Temp Blower Heat Input Insulation Thickness Operating Characteristics† Approx Shipping Weight
Dimensions(WxDxH) VolumeCu Ft CFM HP ElectricKW GasBTU/HR Control Accuracy Temperature Uniformity Rise Time (Electric) Rise Time (Gas)
WTC446-500 48" x 48" x 72" 96 68" x 65" x 117" 500°F 2,450 1 ½ 30 350,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 20 3,065 lbs
WTC446-650 48" x 48" x 72" 96 70" x 66" x 118" 650°F 2,450 1 ½ 40 350,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 45 25 3,475 lbs
WTC446-800 48" x 48" x 72" 96 72" x 68" x 120" 800°F 3,000 2 45 350,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 55 35 3,890 lbs
WTC566-500 60" x 72" x 72" 180 80" x 89" x 117" 500°F 3,300 2 40 350,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 20 3,960 lbs
WTC566-650 60" x 72" x 72" 180 82" x 90" x 118" 650°F 3,300 2 45 350,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 50 25 4,670 lbs
WTC566-800 60" x 72" x 72" 180 84" x 92" x 120" 800°F 4,000 3 60 400,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 50 35 4,885 lbs
WTC586-500 60" x 96" x 72" 240 80" x 113" x 117" 500°F 4,200 3 45 350,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 20 4,225 lbs
WTC586-650 60" x 96" x 72" 240 82" x 114" x 118" 650°F 4,200 3 60 400,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 45 30 5,035 lbs
WTC586-800 60" x 96" x 72" 240 84" x 116" x 120" 800°F 5,000 5 80 600,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 45 35 6,055 lbs
WTC666-500 72" x 72" x 78" 234 92" x 89" x 123" 500°F 4,200 3 45 350,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 25 4,210 lbs
WTC666-650 72" x 72" x 78" 234 94" x 90" x 124" 650°F 4,200 3 60 400,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 45 30 5,020 lbs
WTC666-800 72" x 72" x 78" 234 96" x 92" x 127" 800°F 5,000 5 80 600,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 45 35 6,040 lbs
WTC686-500 72" x 96" x 78" 312 92" x 113" x 123" 500°F 6,000 5 60 400,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 35 25 6,180 lbs
WTC686-650 72" x 96" x 78" 312 94" x 114" x 124" 650°F 6,000 5 80 600,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 40 25 6,490 lbs
WTC686-800 72" x 96" x 78" 312 96" x 116" x 135" 800°F 7,800 5 100 700,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 45 30 7,935 lbs
WTC6106-500 72" x 120" x 78" 390 92" x 137" x 132" 500°F 7,800 5 80 600,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 30 20 7,175 lbs
WTC6106-650 72" x 120" x 78" 390 94" x 138" x 133" 650°F 7,800 5 100 700,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 35 25 7,485 lbs
WTC6106-800 72" x 120" x 78" 390 98" x 140" x 136" 800°F 10,000 7 ½ 120 800,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 40 35 8,920 lbs
WTC6126-500 72" x 144" x 78" 468 94" x 161" x 133" 500°F 10,000 7 ½ 80 600,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 25 8,160 lbs
WTC6126-650 72" x 144" x 78" 468 96" x 162" x 134" 650°F 10,000 7 ½ 100 700,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 45 30 8,575 lbs
WTC6126-800 72" x 144" x 78" 468 100" x 164" x 137" 800°F 12,500 10 120 800,000 8" ±0.3% ±10°F 50 40 10,010 lbs
WTC688-500 72" x 96" x 96" 384 92" x 113" x 150" 500°F 7,800 5 80 600,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 30 20 7,055 lbs
WTC688-650 72" x 96" x 96" 384 94" x 114" x 151" 650°F 7,800 5 100 700,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 35 25 7,465 lbs
WTC787-500 84" x 96" x 84" 392 104" x 113" x 138" 500°F 7,800 5 80 600,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 30 20 7,660 lbs
WTC787-650 84" x 96" x 84" 392 106" x 114" x 139" 650°F 7,800 5 100 700,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 35 25 8,075 lbs
WTC7107-500 84" x 120" x 84" 490 106" x 137" x 138" 500°F 10,000 7 ½ 80 600,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 25 8,650 lbs
WTC7107-650 84" x 120" x 84" 490 108" x 138" x 139" 650°F 10,000 7 ½ 100 700,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 45 30 9,065 lbs
WTC7127-500 84" x 144" x 84" 588 108" x 161" x 139" 500°F 12,500 10 100 700,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 40 25 9,840 lbs
WTC7127-650 84" x 144" x 84" 588 110" x 162" x 140" 650°F 12,500 10 140 1,200,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 40 25 10,255 lbs
WTC8108-500 96" x 120" x 96" 640 122" x 137" x 151" 500°F 12,500 10 120 800,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 35 25 10,055 lbs
WTC8108-650 96" x 120" x 96" 640 124" x 138" x 152" 650°F 12,500 10 160 1,200,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 35 25 10,670 lbs
WTC8128-500 96" x 144" x 96" 768 122" x 161" x 162" 500°F 17,500 15 140 1,200,000 6" ±0.3% ±6°F 35 25 11,885 lbs
WTC8128-650 96" x 144" x 96" 768 124" x 162" x 163" 650°F 17,500 15 180 1,200,000 7" ±0.3% ±8°F 35 25 12,605 lbs

* Outside Dimensions

  • All Models: Control panel overhang 9″ right side.
  • Model WTC-446: Motor mount overhang 19″ rear; gas burner overhang 15″ front.
  • Models WTC-566 & WTC-666—Gas burner overhang 15″ front.
  • Gas Models: 325 CFM exhauster, except 650 CFM at 1,200,000 BTU/HR.
  • Removable heat chamber recommended.
  • Click here for WTC686-650 Dimensional Drawing

† Operating Characteristics

Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber Model Details:

Specifications for Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber

MODEL WTC6106-650
AIR FLOW Bottom to Top, Forced Convection, Side to Side
RISE TIME - GAS 25mins
WORKS SPACE DIMENSIONS (WxDxH) 72" x 120" x 78"
DOORS Manual
LOADING METHOD Cart or Truck, Floor
OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS (WxDxH) 94" x 138" x 133"

Standard Features for Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber

  • UL Listed Control Panel
  • Meets the Requirements of the Following Standards:
    • NFPA 86 (Standard for Ovens and Furnaces)
    • NFPA 70 (National Electric Code)
    • FM (Factory Mutual)
    • OSHA
  • Caution:
    • When processing combustible material fire protection should be considered
    • Processing flammable solvents or vapors requires forced exhaust to provide safety ventilation. For more information see Class A Solvent Processing page at this website
Safety Equipment
  • Adjustable manual reset excess temperature interlock to turn off heat on malfunction of main temperature controller
  • Recirculating blower air flow safety switch to turn off heat on loss of recirculated air flow
  • Electrical interlock shuts off heat if power to recirculating blower is interrupted
  • Electric Heat Includes
    • Separate heating element control contactors to turn off heat on malfunction of main control contactors
  • Gas Heat Includes
    • Modulating burner for 1000 BTU per cubic foot natural gas at 6” water column pressure – propane available. Inlet 1” NPT (1-¼ “ NPT above 350,000 BTU/hr input)
    • Automatic pre-ignition purge period to clear accumulated gas or fumes
    • Push button electric ignition
    • Microprocessor based electronic flame safeguard protection to continuously monitor flame and close gas valves if flame is not present
    • 325 CFM (650 CFM at 1,200,000 BTU/hr input) powered forced exhauster to provide combustion venting
    • Exhauster air flow safety switch to close gas valves on loss of venting
    • Two pilot valves to guarantee gas flow to pilot can be stopped
    • High and Low gas pressure switches to confirm safe operating pressure range
    • Two main burner safety shut off valves with valve seat position indicator to assure gas flow to main burner can be stopped
    • Proof of closure switch on one main valve to prevent igniting pilot unless main valve is closed
    • Leak test station at each pilot and main burner valve to allow testing for leakage through valve
  • Digital temperature controller
  • Motor control push buttons and on-off heat switch
  • LED pilot lights
  • 5 kA short circuit current rating (SCCR)
  • Available with removable heat chamber
  • Choice of
    • Electric or Gas heat
    • 208 volt, 230 volt or 460 volt, 3-phase, 60 HZ – other input power available
  • All welded construction
  • Durable, electrically isolated, Incoloy tubular heating elements
  • Heat source located in heat chamber to prevent radiant heating
  • High pressure carbon steel recirculating blower
  • Full coverage supply and return duct work with adjustable opposed louvers
  • Adjustable fresh air intake and 6” diameter exhaust outlet damper
  • Insulated with 6 lbs per cubic foot density rockwool insulation
  • Aluminized steel interior with carbon steel structural members
  • Flat plate floor (12 gauge aluminized steel to 6’ wide work space, ¼” steel plate on wider work spaces) with door sill angle for doors to seal against
  • Door sill angle can be eliminated and doors provided with drag seals
  • Provisions for installation of insulated floor and truck wheel guide tracks
  • Aluminized steel exterior with Trilite Green enamel finish
  • Brushed stainless steel control panel face
  • Exceptionally heavy duty doors, hinges and door frame with explosion venting latches
  • Expansion joints on inner doors avoid bowing
  • Fiberglass door gasket with stainless steel spring insert
  • Fully assembled and factory tested for temperature uniformity
  • 1 year limited warranty

Modifications & Accessories for Walk-In Ovens Combination Air Flow Top Mounted Heat Chamber

  • Walk-In Oven Loading Truck Shelf

    Oven accessory adding a carbon steel shelf for walk-in oven shelf truck. Size and capacity determined by oven model.

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  • Flat Bed Truck

    Oven accessory adding a Flat Bed Truck with subway grate surface and removable push handle.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional details.

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  • Walk-In Oven Shelf Truck

    Oven accessory adding a shelf loading truck for walk-in oven. Need to specify desired capacity and material.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional details.


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  • Insulated Floor

    Oven modification adding a insulated floor to minimize heat loss and improve temperature uniformity. Floor thickness determined by oven model.

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  • Truck Tracks

    Oven modification adding floor level Truck Tracks. Truck tracks to allow truck loading through doorsill and prevent damage to sidewall louvers.

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  • Insulated Floor With Recessed Truck Tracks

    Oven modification adding an insulated floor with recessed truck tracks, used where oven will be loaded at factory level.

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  • Insulated Floor With Surface Truck Tracks

    Oven modification adding a insulated floor with surface truck tracks, used where oven will be recessed into factory floor or loaded with an external ramp.

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  • Programmable Temperature Controller

    Oven modification adding a programmable Temperature Controller. Microprocessor based, digital indicating, thermocouple actuated, in lieu of standard controller.

    -Program Parameters: 40 profiles of up to 50 steps each, a real-time clock with battery backup to allow starting profile at any time of day

    -Digital Display, 4.3” color touch screen

    -Accuracy, ±0.1% of span plus 1 degree display error

    -Connectivity, Relay output for alarm or other notification, two (2) USB ports, Ethernet compatible

    Also Available:

    -Up to four (4) control channels of temperature, relative humidity or vacuum

    -Monitor up to16 sensors

    -Math and logic functions

    -Digital inputs and outputs

    -Data logging

    -Graphic Trending

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  • Recording Thermometer

    Accessory adding a Recording Thermometer. Thermocouple actuated.

    • Record: 10″ diameter circular chart 24 hour chart rotation
    • Digital Display: 0.56″ high, LED, alphanumeric, 4 digit display; LED status display
    • Accuracy: ±0.25%of span plus 1 degree display error
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