

February 22, 2011

No. 948 is an indirect gas-heated 650°F (343.3°C) walk-in oven from Grieve, currently used for evaporating water from plastic. Workspace dimensions are 60″ wide x 72″ deep x 72″ high. 500,000 BTU/HR are installed in a modulating natural gas burner that fires into an alloy radiant tube.

The oven has a top-mounted heat chamber, a Type 304, 2B finish stainless steel interior, and an aluminized steel exterior. The insulated floor is lined with truck wheel guide tracks. A 6000 CFM, 5-HP recirculating blower provides horizontal airflow to the workload. The oven is equipped with a 1500 CFM stainless steel powered forced exhauster with motorized dampers on the intake and exhaust for accelerated cooling. Safety equipment required by IRI, FM and National Fire Protection Association Standard 86 for gas-heated equipment is included.

Controls on No. 948 include a digital programming temperature controller, manual reset excess temperature controller with separate contactors, 10″ diameter circular chart recorder, and recirculating blower safety switch.