
Custom Ovens

Custom Ovens

Custom Ovens Model Specifications:

CAUTION:  Ovens processing combustible material are required by National Fire Protection Association 86 Standard for Ovens and Furnaces (NFPA 86) to have a fire suppression system.  If flammable solvents or vapors are present in an oven, OSHA requires conformance with NFPA 86 Class A Oven requirements.  A powered forced exhauster and other non-standard safety equipment must be added.  See Class A Oven Equipment for Solvent Processing resource page, reference our FAQs or contact us us for more information.

Model Workspace Outside Dimensions*(WxDxH) Max Temp Blower Heat Input Insulation Thickness Operating Characteristics† Approx Shipping Weight
Dimensions(WxDxH) VolumeCu Ft CFM HP ElectricKW GasBTU/HR Control Accuracy Temperature Uniformity Rise Time (Electric) Rise Time (Gas)

Custom Ovens Model Details:

Specifications for Custom Ovens

Custom Ovens